Girls on Boys is a full length work comprised of a collection of 5 short dance works curated by Gulsen Ozer. The form of the program consists of five female choreographers, each creating a 10-minute solo dance for a male dancer.
Featuring multiple works of diverse genres and formats the first Girls on Boys collection of works were presented during a week-long evening performance season at Dancehouse, Melbourne in 2008 to sell out audiences. Nominated for a 2009 Australian Dance Award, the season received widespread critical acclaim. Girls on Boys is available for remount and touring featuring new contributing artists. Contact Gulsen to discuss. Girls on Boys has attracted positive critique in press and by peers.
“Thought provoking…these works can be seen as expressions of masculinity as if it were something men try on for size, not always fitting the boy… It’s interesting to view men through the eyes of women for a change.” AUSTRALIAN STAGE ONLINE “This project was an inspired move by Ozer… the works vary wildly in theme and style.” DANCE AUSTRALIA #157 “It was interesting to reflect on a series of pieces involving men as performers, with no women on stage.” REALTIME #86 “The competitive undertones are certainly clear. The season program reads like a sporting fixture, listing choreographers versus dancers in a battle that smacks of the physical… It’s a bold idea.” INPRESS MAGAZINE The Girls on Boys curatorial vision has been successfully presented to sell out audiences at Dancehouse, Melbourne and was subsequently nominated for an Australian Dance Award. “…it completely sold out. In fact we were quite over capacity some nights there was quite literally ‘standing room only’.” David Tyndall, Artistic Director, DANCEHOUSE Gulsen is currently seeking collaborations with other presenting partners for another season with a new creative team. |